Please see below for the latest Worcester Bosch Professional App developments.
The Worcester Bosch Professional App is available to download. Download or update below:
08.07.2024 - Update to Version 1.4
The fourth release for the Worcester Profressional App has introduced some important changes to several areas of the app:
- Updated login system with SingleKey ID
- Enabled Local Authority lookup for properties during Gas Safe registrations.
- Updated Tracking Consent implementation.
- Updated notifications system.
- Updated SecureStorage implementation to resolve login issues.
- Optimised data usage when app is running in the background.
Introducing SingleKey ID
SingleKey ID is a Bosch managed service that will enable you to login to any Bosch platform using one email address. For example, you could be a member of our loyalty scheme and use our installer app, have an EasyControl and have security cameras all under one login.

21.03.2024 - Update to Version 1.3
In this release there are some key improvements to some of the core functions and some small bug fixes as well as a BRAND NEW feature that we know you will find useful. Please see below for info:
Product Age Finder
To assist you in effectively maintaining our products and facilitating discussions regarding "repair or replace" scenarios with your customers, we're pleased to announce a new addition to the My Tools section of our app. This feature allows app users to either scan a QR code located on the product or manually input the product FD code into the app. By doing so, users can swiftly ascertain the production date of the boiler, thus accurately determining its age. Below, we provide an example of how this feature works:
Step 1: Go to My Tools in the app, and click into "Servicing & Troubleshooting Tools", choosing Product Age Finder option
Step 2: Choose between scanning a product QR code or entering the FD code manually
Step 3: The production month and year is displayed if a valid FD code is provided
Other Improvements and bug fixes:
- Stop the app splitting the comfort care packs into individual components when scanned in the app (resulted in having to assign a product location to all components in the Gas Safe registration journey in the app)
- Fixed Apple IOS issue with date filters in several areas of the app
- Fixed logging in issue with certain Android OS builds (resulted in a failed log in with a Encrypt/decrypt in secure store error message)
- Rewording of some error messages when app is in offline mode
- Small content changes and tweaks
21.11.2023 - Update to Version 1.2
Important app update and improvements. Please update via App Store here or the Google Play store here:
-Improved dashboard data totals to align with other parts of our installer systems such as displaying a year to date figure
-Updated Gas Safe location images
-Introduced better feedback prompting
-Other content improvements and additions