Our business has always been about more than innovation for commercial success alone. We strive to innovate in all areas, from products that change the game, to ideas that change how we do business, or how we care for our staff.

ISO 50001 Certification
We are proud to be the first boiler manufacturer in the world to have been certified with the ISO 50001 energy management and the first in the UK to receive it via BSI.

Emissions Reduction
We are constantly striving to reduce our carbon footprint and fuel usage across our premises, for example, we introduced a brand new air handling unit at our HQ in Worcester, which was completed in Summer 2020.

Training & Education
Find out how Worcester Bosch supports schools and provides learning opportunities, lobby government and encourage and promote skills investment in Worcestershire's workforce.

Zero Waste to Landfill
Find out how we send zero waste to landfill with our dedicated recycling department.
Manufacturing Glove Recycling
Within our manufacturing plant at Worcester we were regularly using 22,000 gloves per year. Read about the initiative that stopped this waste here.