Robert Bosch talked of the importance of every person, about how every associate within our business plays a part in working for the greater good. What were radical ideas in business back then, ring truer than ever today. At Worcester Bosch we are committed to supporting communities through tangible activities that make a difference.

Community activity
For over 60 years, engaging with and supporting the local and wider community in the UK has been an integral part of our approach to being an engaged business, an inclusive employer and a good neighbour.

Supporting charity
As part of a charitable trust ourselves, charitable actions and contributions go to the heart of who we are. We are pleased to be able to say that in the last six years our caring team of employees has raised over £100,000 for national and local charities.

Encouraging education
We know the value of educational support and we work with institutions, educators and pupils to encourage the development of people of all ages.

We have a long history of volunteering and during 2022 we gave every single one of our 1850 employees one working day to spend volunteering to help a local charity, community, or project.